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Effect sensors
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Effect sensors
      Sensor has a prominent position. The development of modern science and technology, into many new areas: at the macro level to observe the vast universe of thousands of light years away, to be observed microscopically small particles cm world longitudinally to observe celestial bodies up to tens of thousands of years of evolution, s response to a short moment. In addition, there have been various studies on deepening matter of extreme technical knowledge, develop new energy, new materials play an important role, such as ultra-high temperature, ultra-low temperature, high pressure, ultra-high vacuum, high magnetic fields, super weak magnetic field and so on. Obviously, to obtain a lot of information not directly obtain the human senses, the sensor is adapted to not impossible. Many barriers to basic scientific research, the first is that the information is difficult to obtain the object exists, but the mechanism and the emergence of new high-sensitivity detection sensors, often lead to a breakthrough in the field. Develop some of the sensor, are often some of the interdisciplinary development pioneer.

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