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Seismic geophone principles and characteristics
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In seismic exploration work, due to the detector 's knowledge and understanding of the principles and performance was not enough , resulting in the selection and use of geophone some impropriety exists , the relationship is not clear parameters and response characteristics between the detector , and the effects of these parameters on the seismic signal , when the detectors are often targeted use and contrast is not strong .
For this reason, from the vibration detector mechanics analyzes the displacement, velocity and acceleration are three types of detector frequency response characteristics , and explains the different electromechanical conversion detector principle ; On this basis , in-depth analysis of the detector the characteristic parameters of seismic signals and seismic impact on the detector performance and parameters of the request. According to seismic exploration seismic shock and vibration characteristics of the signal that has a wide frequency range , dynamic range , low distortion , high sensitivity detectors tolerance and other characteristics of the detector in order to meet the needs of seismic exploration . Meanwhile, the current detector using some of the practices were discussed, in particular detector problems in comparative tests . .
Comprehensive analysis that only mastered the principles and parameters of the detector performance , in order to properly select and use detectors.

WEIHAI GRAND EXPLORATION INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD Main products are | Vibration sensor | Speedometer | DetectorWait
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