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What are the advantages digital geophone
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Detector means detecting fluctuations in the signal of a device useful information for identifying wave oscillation or signal the presence or changes in seismic detection of the most commonly used , with the development of science and technology, also developed very geophone fast , which is a leading digital geophone level detector, the following will introduce you to digital geophone What advantages:
    First, the digital detector signals directly to the principles of balance and gravity acceleration sensor signal changes to seismic waves ;
    Second, the amplitude and phase frequency characteristics of digital geophone is flat curve in the 500Hz straight ;
    Third, the digital detector signal distortion is less than 0.003% , ie more than 90dB dynamic transient ;
    Fourth, the sensor outputs 24 -bit digital signal directly to a sample point ;
    Fifth, the digital geophone can automatically identify and correct the inclination angle of the vertical direction of the center of the earth .
    As a professional detector manufacturer , our advanced production technology, high product quality, within the detector industry has a high reputation, if you want to buy high-quality detector, welcome to inquire !

WEIHAI GRAND EXPLORATION INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD Main products are | Vibration sensor | Speedometer | DetectorWait
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